Inspired by descriptive passages from “Magpie Murders” by Anthony Horowitz, “A Darker Shade Of Magic” by V.E. Schwab, and “No Exit” by Taylor Adams.

Alan Conway’s Study - “Magpie Murders”

“Alan’s office was next to the kitchen... It was a large room, with windows on three sides, and it had been knocked through to incorporate the tower. A spiral staircase dominated the space and presumably lead all the way to the top. There were two walls of books and a purpose-built desk with an expensive black leather chair.”

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Pye Hall - “Magpie Murders”

“...Along a corridor and straight into the main hall, with the staircase leading up to the galleried landing. Dark wood paneling surrounded them. The walls covered with oil paintings and hunting trophies... A suit of armour, complete with the sword and shield. The hall, with the front door opposite the staircase which is positioned exactly in the middle. On one side there was a fireplace, big enough to walk into. On the other, two leather chairs and an antique table with a telephone. The floor was made up of flagstone, partly covered by a Persian rug. The stairs were also stone with a wide red carpet leading up the center.”

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Kell’s Bedroom & Study - “A Darker Shade Of Magic”

“A dark set of oak doors led into his chamber. The Isle’s red glow poured through the open doors of a private balcony... a luxurious canopied bed, filled with feather and lined with silk...he crossed through the chamber and into a second smaller room lined with books...and closed the door behind him.”


Lila’s Bedroom - “A Darker Shade Of Magic”

“In the ship’s bones and bowels... through the dank little hall, into the cabin at the end... A small coal stove sat in the corner. Lila found herself slouched into a chair... she kicked her boots up onto the desk, the worn wooden surface was piled with maps... A large slab of mirror sat propped on the desk, leaning back against the wood hull, its edges fogged and silvering.”

Wanashono Rest Area - “No Exit”

“An isolated longhouse structure nestled among wind-blasted firs. A bare flagpole. A crowd of bronze statues buried to their waists. And an offshoot parking lot with a handful of parked cars... ‘Tired?’ asked a blue sign. ‘Free coffee inside’... A final sign at the end of the off-ramp, was T-shaped. It directed trucks and campers to go left and smaller vehicles to go right.”

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